In April 2013 Colton Crawford and Miles Belvin first set out to create a unique ensemble that combines elements of many different genres. The two first met in 2011 when they first joined the local College Lab Band under the direction of Philippe Baugh. The two joined the school's jazz combo soon after where they gained experience in improvising, and playing the standard jazz repertoire. Through the jazz combo they had many opportunities to preform in front of the faculty, and student body as well as at some of the local events and venues.
Colton then had the opportunity to preform regularly at a sushi restaurant across from the campus. The group consisted of several other students from the college music department. From there he went on to preform at various restaurants with a variety of other local musicians in that band.
While the two were preforming in the jazz combo together, they realized that they shared similar musical philosophy's and influences. That's when they first had the idea of starting a group that would combine many different genres under the umbrella of improvisation.
Colton then had the opportunity to preform regularly at a sushi restaurant across from the campus. The group consisted of several other students from the college music department. From there he went on to preform at various restaurants with a variety of other local musicians in that band.
While the two were preforming in the jazz combo together, they realized that they shared similar musical philosophy's and influences. That's when they first had the idea of starting a group that would combine many different genres under the umbrella of improvisation.